Zirkulierende Tumorzellen (CTCs) sicher identifizieren
for ESR1 mutation detection assays
Blood Stabilisiation Tubes by STRECK
Stabilisation of Plasma Proteins
a ctDNA reference material consisting of ctDNA that is methylated at all CpG sites
BIOFIRE Quality Control Material
Circulating Tumor Cell (CTC) Harvesting
to capture and concentrate a wide range of microbes
to support the development, validation, and routine determination of HRD status in cancer patients.
Highly multiplexed, biosynthetic DNA, RNA and ctDNA reference materials for NGS-based assays designed to analyze hematologic malignancies such as Myeloid Leukemia and Lymphoma.
To help clinical labs performing NGS-based BRCA testing
We are a proud distributor of NGeneBio